Monday, September 29, 2008

Romeo is an idiot... and other random ramblings (Dattilo)

-First of all that was a cheap shot by chandler. How dare you call me a fair weather fan, never have i been called such a thing. 1. How could any Cleveland fan be a fair weather fan dumb ass? I'm pretty sure the stadium is sold out every game regardless of the fact the browns can only muster 2 winning seasons since 1999. Never heard of jumping on the bandwagon of a shitty team... dip shit. 2. I said i was not going to post about the browns, didn't mean i was going to stop posting about other Cleveland teams/players that deserve mention. The way the browns are playing, they do not deserve my time or praise.

Before i give my thoughts on the game, i want to discuss a few observations i made before the game even began

-The ravens are a bunch of whiny little pansies. Did you see that they sent tapes to the NFL, because they believe the Browns were purposely trying to hurt McGahee, since they accidentally gashed his eye. First of all, McGahee had a damn visor on. If i wanted to play dirty and hurt his dumb ass, i would go for a part of his body that wasn't protected by any gear. Maybe stomping on the balls? Second of all, this is the same Ravens team that consists of a bunch of thugs, a guy who threatened to murder someone, and a guy who did murder someone..... And they are whining about a poked eye. Baaahhhh Waaaaah, this is all i have to say to the POS ravens :
-For the tribe fans, have you noticed they managed to finish the season at .500. This is pretty much a disappointment for the whole year, however this team was once 20 games under .500, and they managed to finish at .500 and they actually at one point had a winning record within the last week of play. Mark my words, the tribe will be back next year. This is how an Eric wedge team plays without any expectations... they actually do well. Next year they are going to be picked to place third in the division, and then bam they are winning 95 games. They were pretty much the best team in the AL central the past two months, the only problem was they were too far in the standings to do anything. They won all these games despite the fact they traded CC and Blake. Next year is the year i am feeling it. They will have a solidified rotation with Lee coming back, Carmona will be back (he was starting to get back to his old self at the end of the year), not to mention Westbrook will be off the DL, and hopefully he can stay healthy next year. They need to solidify their bullpen, but i believe they finally found their closer in lewis, so we no longer have to deal with blowoski determining the fate of tribe in the last inning. As for the lineup, wedge needs to find a way to get shoppach and vmart playing in the same lineup every day. If this means moving one of them to first, then so be it... Garko is expendable. Hopefully hafner finally gets back to his old form, because if so, then watch out! Lastly, sizemore had a solid year, and most experts believed he had a hell of a year, but i know he can do way better than that. I expect him to hit .300 next year, there is no reason why he shouldn't. Tribe in 2009!
Now my thoughts on the game:
-DA sucks, and romeo is an idiot, its pretty simple. I do not understand what the hell is going through Romeo's mind. Does he realize he is going to be fired this year if they do not at least go 8-8? Romeo made huge mistakes this week. 1. He publicly states that quinn will be getting more reps.... This obviously is inside DA's head and screws with his confidence. 2. He decides to start DA.... Why would you start a QB who has already sucked, and his confidence is at an ultimate low especially after you publicly state that his backup qb may be taking over soon. 3. During the game instead of passing the ball, romeo and chud elect to run the ball every damn play.... To me this makes no sense, if you were going to run the ball the whole damn time, what the hell was the point in keeping DA in there? This further screws with DA's mind, by sending out the message that he sucks so much, that you are not even going to let him throw. 4. He proceeds not to take DA out of the game even when he is sucking ass. Let me remind you that this is vs the bengals defense, and the browns generated approx 5 takeaways for him. 5. By allowing DA to remain in the game, this forces romeo to start him next game, since they won. All you are doing is delaying the inevitable romeo. DA is going to be eaten alive by the giants, and then you are going to be forced to bench his ass. This is why this victory was bitter sweet. It was nice to finally get a win (1-6 including preseason), but now DA has to start another game. If romeo was a smart coach and had some balls, he would start quinn after the bye week.
-I agree with chandler, BE's dance was horrendous. If this dance was done in cleveland, then it would be somewhat legit, because cleveland is at least the home of the rock and roll hall of fame. Oh wait, didn't chandler already say this? Yes he did, despite the fact that was the same exact thing i texted him during the game. Plagiarism anyone? Why don't you learn how to use your
own material chandler, thanks.
- The defense looked solid, but who the hell wouldn't look solid playing against Fitzpatrick under the center. Who? Exactly.
-This game was further proof that bengals fans are fair weather fans. Did you see how many people were in the stands? Please, if you are a bengals fan, please do not try and tell me you have always been a fan, and you went to every game. Every bengals fan tells me this, and yet somehow when they start playing shitty, we all tend to see many more open seats at paul brown stadium. Hopefully they continue to be fair weathered (which they will), so the citizens here in southwest ohio can go back to the glory days when the browns game weren't blacked out for the bengals games.
-Lastly..... Who Dey? We Dey bitches, and so far the Ravens, Giants, and Titans are "Dey" as well.

1 comment:

The Dawg Staph said...

Umm you did send it to me like 20 min after the fact I and I already said it outloud to my mother right after the play, so boo-yah in yo face homie, nice try but a failure...