Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Having No Power Sucks........Prediction (Dattilo)

I live off campus(not living in university dorms, for u geniuses) at Miami University, and we had no power for about 4 days straight (starting sunday). Some students still do not have power off campus. President Hodge canceled classes on Monday, but then elected to have classes on Tuesday despite the fact that every student living off campus had no power at all, so we all were unable to do any of our work, or study at all. His decision led to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_8FeCr2ZQI&feature=related. Yes that it is a protest, and yes that is a protest right in front of his house. Anyway having power really sucks ass, and due to that I obviously did not get to watch the browns game sunday night. Turns out that was a good thing, because i heard they looked like shit. Anyway, here are just some of my observations/things i learned while i had no power:

- I loled when i was able to go on campus and read chandler's prediction post on the steelers game. How did i know the fool would pick the browns to win sunday night? In Chandler's eyes the browns should have been 90-0 with five Superbowls in the past five seasons. My favorite part of his reasoning in his pick was the fact that the browns have a "d-line." Uhhhh did you watch the cowboys game dumbass? Apparently giving the QB 10 seconds to throw is plenty of pressure, its just when they give up 12 seconds is the problem (this is what chandler probably really believes in).

-Cold showers suck ass. I learned this when we didn't have power. I do not know how the hell people lived in the old days without power. I don't think i would have ever bathed myself, i wouldn't be able to handle the cold water every damn time. I would go a whole fall/winter smelling like i took a swim in a pile of shit.

-Not being able to watch football sucks ass. We wait all year hyping up the NFL season, and then bam the power goes off and takes away the only good thing about sundays. Not only did i not see the browns game, but i didn't get to see any game. I can't believe the power took away one whole day of football in my life. Why couldnt this have happened during the WNBA season?

-Miami University obviously doesn't know how to handle a power outage crisis. The university finally gets their generators running on campus, and powers up their main buildings which include the library and dorms, because of this they think its ok to have classes. Apparently students who live off campus (and when i say off campus, im not talking about way the fuck out in the corn fields, i am talking about across the street from the library, which is the cutoff from being "on campus", and being "off-campus") are a pile of shit in Miami University's eyes. How the fuck are we supposed to do our HW without power at our houses? Miami University's response: "use the library." Hmmm ok thanks assholes, but how the fuck do you expect us to use the library when every damn student is in the building, taking up every outlet, because guess what.... they don't have any power either!!!!!!! I hope you have a better plan next time this happens.

-People are idiots when the power is off. This situation was further proof of how dependent we are on having power. As soon as the power went off, everyone decided to act like primitive fuckheads. Every bathroom i used smelled like piss all over it, because the idiot either peed all over the floor, or decided not to flush the bathroom. Apparently no power= no flushing toilets. Every gas station i went to had a line of at least 40 cars, which was ridiculous, but funny at the same time, because this dumb bitch tried to cut in front of the line at the gas station i was at, and every single car honked at her ass, and she freaked out, then peeled out. She got owned by a bunch of townies.

Apparently i either forgot what i learned, or i didn't learn much, because i really do not have any more to say about the power outage. I guess i am already taking the power for granted again.

Anyway on to my prediction. I can't really say much, because i didn't get to see last game, so i don't know what the hell was wrong with the browns. I heard the conditions were bad, so that probably had something to do with Derek Anderson's shitty performance, and the defense actually holding someone to 10 points. I also heard Romeo decided to kick a FG when he should have went for a td. What the hell are you doing Romeo? Do you realize you are done this year if you don't get at least 8 wins? So far its looking like your fucked. Go take a fucking motivational speech class, and learn how to get your players fired up for christ sake. As for the game at Baltimore this week, i think the browns will win. No this isn't chandler making the post, this is Dattilo saying the browns will win. I really have no reason why, because robaire smith is out for the year, and the defense sucks ass, but the Ravens offense is so terrible, and the Browns can't really be that bad coming off a 10 win season. Can they? So, here is to the browns winning 24-10 this week. There is no reason they shouldn't go to their bye week with a 2-2 record, and hopefully after that they can recoup. By the way i am 2-0 in my predictions so far, and yes im counting the steelers game, because i def was picking the browns to lose that game. Any reasonable person would after learning/knowing the fact that the Browns haven't beaten them since tim couch played.


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