Monday, September 29, 2008

A win is a Win? - Chandler

Well the Browns WON today!!! Great right?? Well for me it was a bit bittersweet for a few reasons.
1. It means that Dattilo will still be contributing to the blog, and his fair weather fandom will not be exposed just yet.

2. It gives RAC yet another excuse to subject Cleveland fans to another shitty QB play as he will have we won with him QBing argument. Seriously RAC should be charged with cruel and unusual punishment. Its just not fair. We won in spite of DA not because of him.

3. It also means that RAC's seat got a little cooler going into the bye week, Lerner make a call and force him to play Quinn. Seriously its the GIANT FUCKING pink elephant in the room, make it happen.

On to some game notes...

If Palmer had started today I think we would have been 0-4.

I do not like that Andra Davis' playing time is being cut down. I only saw him in there on maybe 50% of the downs. What in the world is the NFL's best player doing on the side lines? Yet another reason why Cleveland struggled today. If you wanna win put DAVIS IN!

Eric Eazy-E Wright, played great today I thought except...HOLD ON TO THE BALL.

--Loved seeing Harrison get more plays. While nothing explosive, it was nice to see him get some touches. His first drop was almost a killer. Fortunately for him, penalty on the Bengals.It only took the Browns organization 3 years to realize the talent he has....hmm...makes you wonder.

--I still saw a tremendous amount of undisciplined resulting in several offside penalties. Leonard, have you played football before? Falls on coaching a bit.

--I saw a lot of bump and run coverage today. Chad's declining but TJ is no slouch. That was nice.

--I saw Wright get his head around on a play ... for once.

--I saw McDonald do the same like it was second nature ... head on a swivel. McDonald had a very good game.

--Terrible clock management in the first half. Use the timeouts RAC. Jeesh.

--I said last week that I saw Hall make a play that was better than any single play I've ever seen from Wimbley. Make that two.

--I think our run d has improved significantly. Rogers is a beast although sometimes runs himself out of plays.

--BE, that was possibly the worst TD celebration I have ever seen. At least it would have made some sense if it was in Cleveland due to the Rock Hall being there. Roddy White does a backflip last week and you do a nerdy air guitar...LAME!

--Dumbass is TERRIBLE! He looked pathetic against an even more pathetic defense. Just awful. Seriously how many more inaccurate passes are we going to have to see? Just bad, I dont even know what else to say.

--Mike Adams is a great backup. Big ups to our entire D on getting turnovers. Huge key to the game.

--We should be scoring more than 20 pts against an 0-3 team without their best player and they have 5 turnovers. Lewis outside of the first drive was almost ineffective gaining a 2.2 yd per carry after the first drive. Wright and Harrison once again show they are more effective yet get less carries....ummm....Again why aren't players being rewarded for great performance????

--It's time to loosen up and let the offense rip again. We converted a 3rd and 35 last year! DA was playing loose and with nothing to loose. He needs to somehow get back to that. Somehow someway since it is becoming obvious that Quinn will never play with RAC as the coach of this team.

--Throughout the game I was amazed with how bad our QB play was, did I mention that already??

--WTF was up with Sanders jawing on the sidelines? Oh it must have been how off target that dumbass's pass was.

--Wimbley got a sack...sort of. Bit of a weak sack if you ask me. Where is the rookie Wimbley at?

--Watching dumbass try to run is hilarious. I could have scored on that rollout when he tried to put it in the end zone.

--I swear I wrote this article and not self hating Browns fan Datillo.

--I dont even know what else to write. A win is a win is a win I suppose but not satisfied with it.

Bye week this week folks, but we'll still be active.


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