Friday, September 19, 2008

Weak 2 analysis & Predictions

Before I begin let me apologize for making you sit through that garbage about Vince whinning like a little school girl with a skinned knee about not having power and cold showers. Seriously what a wuss man up already. This is a football blog not a whinny emo Vince Young blog.

Now back to what is important:

First off and for most...STOP WITH THE FIRE RAC ALREADY! Romeo isn't out there dropping passes and throwing drive killing INTs. RAC isn't out there running into defenders, or throwing uncatchable balls. Yes he made a bad call in Dallas by going for the FG, yes his clock management skills have been horrendous. A different head coach doesn't result in better players. That being said at the end of the year then maybe you start to think about it if improvement is not seen. He won 10 freaking games last year and got an extension and its week two, give it a rest.

Derrik Freakin' Anderson or DA for short (dumbass). Its time for cleveland to wake up and realize that DA is what he is, a ONE tool QB - A strong arm. Its time for Quinn to come in and show what he can do. He is the future and everyone knows it. Most of you know I hated the move for Quinn, I hated Quinn coming out of college, thought he was an overhyped sissy. But he is tyhe futuire of Cleveland and everyone knows it, get him in there and stop this infatuation with DA. DA is so inaccurate its pathetic. DA single handily kept us out of the playoffs last year and lost against the Steelers on Sunday night. If he doesn't throw those picks we get at least 6 more points through FGs and win that game 12-10. Is it a pretty decisive win? No but a WIN is a WIN! DA suck a fatty for ruing my entire week and play-offs last year, you are now my new official most hated Browns player of all time joining the short list which includes Trent Dilfer (god just thinking about him makes my blood boil and skin crawl, I am a firm believer in that bald QBs are shitty QBs sent buy the devil himself to ruin teams, and of course Joe Andruzzi the worst OG to ever wear a jersey. On a lesser hate scale is Kelly Holcomb.

The loss to the steelers was inexcusable and a terrible performance all around except on defense, they did FANTASTIC except for letting Willie Parker get 100 yds. I was so bummed by that loss that I thought about crying for a few seconds like Vince did when the Indians lost and thus couldn't go to school b/c all of the kids would see him crying and know what a wimp he is.
DA cost us that game and his time is over, DONE in Cleveland far as I am concerned. At least Couch could beat the steelers.

Where has our Awesome Oline from last year been? There were no holes for Jamal to run in yesterday. Note to O-line...GET YOUR ASS UP AND BLOCK SOMEBODY!

Shaun Rogers is a beast, Williams needs to get his act together.

Harrisoon needs to see the field more, period. I dont care if he sucks at pass blocking he is good at getting first downs and that is the bottom line. RAC get over yourself and play him, make a freaking change for once in your coaching career if a player isnt getting it done.

Now on to this weeks prediction:

Of course the Browns roll into to Baltimore and get a win. I predicted 3 sacks last week and was right. This week I am predicted 2 sacks and two ints, one returned for a TD, yes a bold statement. Vince is too conservative to ever make a bold move cotton. Its not even a close one as the Browns win 28-0 that's right a shut out. McCalister cant cover Edwards at all and breaks out of his shell for 2TDS, start him in fantasy I am telling you. Winslow will get a TD and either McDonald or Pool with get a TD. Joe Fago or whatever his name is will have 8 completions for 47 yds. and a QB rating of 22. DA will throw at least one INt, the only thing he is consistent at doing. I think Jamal has his best day of the season running for 80 yds or so. Harrison has to get more PT, he has to. Stieny looks like he may be out but tucker may be in, so better run blocking worse pass protection. Cribbs probably out so only one superhero on the field today (other being big baby rogers!) , and one solider (Winslow)

Can we cut Stallworth already I am sick of his pansy ass corrupting my team. A STRAINED QUAD?!?!? Are you serious grow a pair already. I have never heard of a more wussy injury in my life. You are coming dangerously close to my most hated list here. Joe Andruzzi & Trent Dilfer I HATE you!

- Chandler

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