Sunday, September 21, 2008

In Game Blog (Dattilo)

Ok so the game is over, and all of my thoughts during the game, will be below after my response to a few of chandlers weak attacks toward me:

-First of all Chandler, I bet you feel like a dumbass predicting the browns would win 28-0. You realize the Browns were 0-2 before the game, and they were playing on the road vs. a 1-0 team with enough confidence since they haven’t lost yet, and they had a bye week to prepare for the game? Idiot.

-I also love how chandler thinks he is sweet because he makes “crazy” predictions. First of all you are not a hard ass, because you make stupid ass bold predictions that are sure to go wrong. The only reason chandler makes these “crazy” picks is because if he finally gets one right he can brag about it all day, even though we all know that he is copping out, because he knows that if he gets the prediction wrong, its ok, because it was a prediction that was outside the box. It is kind of like five or six years ago when Chad Johnson, errrr Ocho Cinco would guarantee a win every game (this is when the bengals were lucky to get 2 wins), so that one time he finally wins a game, he could talk shit about it, and if they didn’t win….. Who gives a shit, because the bengals suck ass. I think Chandler and Ocho Cinco should get a room together, so they can be morons together.

-And yes, I did cry after Jose Mesa blew game 7 in the world series vs the marlins in 1997. My question is, who the hell didn’t? I am not afraid to admit it. I was in 4th grade at the time, and I lived in Italy, so the game was on in the morning before I had to head to school. We all know how the game goes, Jose Mesa is a piece of shit and blows the game, I start crying, and then my mom doesn’t allow me to go to school, because I couldn’t stop. I still have nightmares from that day, because of you Jose Mesa. I don’t want bad karma on me, so I hope something only mildly terrible happens to you every day of your life, like getting stuck in a traffic jam! Go to hell. So, Chandler try to resist mentioning the fact that I cried after the 97 world series for the fifth time, its only funny the first time, and frankly I don’t give a shit, I know you cried too.

-Lastly this has nothing to do with chandler, but god I hate the ratbirds so much. They are living proof that I believe god hates Cleveland sports. I don’t know what the hell Cleveland fans did in the 60’s to piss god off, but it’s been downhill since then. Since those glory days, Cleveland has witnessed Jordan’s shot, the drive, the fumble, red right 88, piece of shit Jose mesa, Art Model moving the team, and the tribe’s recent choke job in the ALCS. Im sure I am missing a lot more. This is all topped off with the fact that the Ratbirds actually won a super bowl, and that criminal piece of shit Art Model was able to raise the Lombardi trophy. I almost puked on the TV when I saw that. That may have been the most disturbing thing I have seen on TV in my whole life. I never have been more disgusted with sports than that time.

Alright here were my thoughts during the game:

7:42 1st quarter: I practically have just missed half of the first quarter, because the bengals decided to overachieve today and go into OT with the Giants. This is another reason to add to my list on why I hate the bengals. I hate the fact im forced to watch bengals games, because the fair weather bengals fans have been out of hiding, because they get giddy off of 8-8 seasons. Your team sucks ass, and you all aren’t true fans, please go back into hiding so you don’t black out Cleveland games anymore… thanks.

6:50 first quarter: The ravens offense is already driving. This game shouldn’t even be close. The ravens offense is terrible. Flacco is their QB. Who the hell is that? When I see that name, I think of shane falco from the movie “the replacements.” If the browns lose to this guy please cut everyone on the defense and go from there.

3:50 first quarter: The browns just gave up a 3rd and long, same ol defense. What is it about third and long with the browns? Why the hell do they go John Elway prevent defense mode, and allow the defense to get a first down off some crap post pattern near the sideline every damn time? Also, with all the criticism on the defense, why hasn’t anyone talked about the shit poor play of the linebackers? Yeah andra davis racks up tackles every year, but every tackle is after the fact the offense gains at least 5 yards. Also linebackers, if you are going to blitz, how about try and not to run into the blocker. Try avoiding the puny shit RB who is picking up the blitz, and actually chase down the damn QB!

3:20 first quarter: Brandon McDonald with a pick! Where the hell have you been little guy? Is this the browns first interception this year? I didn’t get to see the pitt game so I don’t know.

End of first quarter 0-0: Before the quarter ended, the announcers commentated on a quote by Crennel. Apparently after the steelers game, he said he was happy with the effort, and if he sees that effort every game he will be happy. This isn’t pop warner football Romeo! Next thing we know Romeo is going to be giving up blue ribbons to his players for good sportsmanship.

Beginning of 2nd quarter: TD browns! It was 3rd and 9 and the Ravens brought the house. Great call by Chud to call for the screen. That’s the first time ever I have seen the screen pass work for the browns like that. Nice drive, this is the type of drive they needed to get their swagger back, that they lost sometime last December.

12:40 2nd quarter: 3rd and long another first down for the ravens. Part of the reason the blitzes are always being picked up, is because the Browns always show the damn blitz. If they would actually disguise their blitz maybe the o-line would have a much harder time picking up the blitz. Just some food for thought Romeo.

12:00 2nd quarter: Browns answer right back with another INT. This time it was pretty much because of stupid flea flicker call by the O-Coordinator of the ravens. Horribly executed, thus leading to another easy Browns INT.

11:00 2nd quarter: Ravens have the ball with great field position, because the undisciplined browns team decided to convert a few penalties inside their own twenty, then dave zastudl (the punter spelling?) decided to punt the ball off the side of his foot.

The ravens time of possession is twice the amount of the browns. This is not good since our D-line is probably a thousand pounds all together. They are going to be worn out if Derek Anderson and the Browns offense can’t get a long drive going anytime soon

6:40 2nd quarter: TD ravens, the ravens running game just ran all over the Browns D. Missed tackles all over the place. Pitiful. I can tell the Browns D is already sucking wind too. If DA and company go three and out, I guarantee you that the Ravens offense will score before the half ends.

5:45 2nd quarter: Braylon caught a pass for a first down! He actually caught a ball! Yes I am going to be sarcastically giddy every time he makes a reception until he gets at least 10 in a row.

Just as I type that he makes another catch!!!!!!!!! He bobbled the pass four times before catching it, but it’s still a catch. And now CBS just showed a compilation of Bralyon’s dropped passes. I think that deserves an “LOLZ.”

1:00 minute left before the half: Dawson nails the FG to go up 10-7. They wasted great attempts to score a TD however. DA nearly was picked on 2nd down, and then was sacked right away on 3rd down. What the hell happened to our great o line from last year? Come on Joe Thomas; how the hell can you have a sophomore slump as a lineman?

Ok, so the Ravens are forced to punt with 40 seconds left, and Crennel called timeout so the browns could have time on the clock to be able to score. So, what's the first play call when the Browns are on their side of the field? A HB draw. Please tell me why you called timeout before the ravens punt, if you are just going to run the ball. Now there is only 26 seconds left, and they aren’t even close to being in the endzone.

Halftime: Browns didn’t score… not surprised. Chandler has been texting me and saying DA is terrible. For once I am going to agree with him. He got on a little hot streak last year because he was an unknown. After at least 8 games, every NFL team has footage of him, and they know all his tendencies. This is pretty much why he sucks ass now, and he is what he is…. A backup QB. Mark my words, if the browns offense doesn’t get going (win or lose), Brady Quinn will be starting after the bye week.

Beginning of the half: INT DA, mainly his receivers fault for allowing the defense to pop the ball out of his hands. Now the Ravens are in the redzone.

11:43 3rd quarter: Ravens take a timeout, but are on the browns 1 yard line. There is no way they are not scoring a td on this short drive. McGahee just ran all over the browns to get to the one yard line. The browns offense is giving this game away. This is ridiculous. How the hell did the Browns go from a top ten offensive team last year, to being tied for dead last in every category so far this year?

11:13 3rd quarter: TD ravens winning 14-10 now. This 2nd half honestly might be the season changing moment for this Browns team. If they can pull the win off on the Road after looking like shit for most of the game, then I think they will turn it around for the rest of the season. If they lose, this season is done, and Romeo will be fired. It’s pretty simple, let’s see how they respond to this adversity.

10:31 3rd: Please put quinn in now. DA doesn’t realize passing to guys that are double covered in the middle of the field isn’t a good idea.

Pick 6 td ravens, please god put fucking Brady Quinn in.

3rd: Anderson overthrew a wide open Winslow, are you surprised? Forced to punt now the Ravens are on the browns 35 yard line. The ravens are fired up, this game is over, Ravens win.

Ravens score a td, as I said earlier this game is done. Once again im done blogging, I have a feeling I am going be done blogging every game by mid third quarter. In fact, I am done blogging completely if they go 0-4 before the bye week. It’s not worth it to take time out of my day to blog about these pieces of shits that call themselves a NFL football team. So, 0-4= me not blogging till cavs season at least.


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