Saturday, September 13, 2008

Browns VS. Squeelers Preview (Chandler)

Ok so we all know that Romeo Crennel is 0-6 against the Steelers, We actually haven't won against them since 2003 Sunday night game where Tim Couch defeated the steelers 33-13 in front on a nationally televised game. That being said at least one of the games over the past three seasons the Browns have been up going into the fourth quarter only to see the win squandered by the defense .

This is their first meeting since the Browns almost prevailed in Pittsburgh last year but this season are some noticeable differences. Number one being THE BROWNS ACTUALLY HAVE A D-LINE!!! The Browns defensive line anchored by Shaun rogers are licking their chops waiting to punish the pathetic o-line of the steelers. The steelers gave up 43 sacks last year, more than double of the Browns! Big Dumb ass Ben will be running for his life as Rogers straight abuses the steelers wet paper bag they put in front of him. Seriously their line resembles something of the o-line the Browns had in 1999. Not a single one of their players would start for the Browns. Marvel Smith couldn't hold Joe Thomas' jock strap. This is the firs time since the Browns return in '99 that the Browns have a decidedly better O-line and D-line than the steelers. I am predicting a big day and a bounce back performance from our pass rush as we get 3 sacks and a lot of pressure on their QB. Although I am sure that Doom and Gloom Dattilo will think/say otherwise, do not listen to him as he is a self hating Browns fans. He actually cried when the Indians lost the '97 world series and was too afraid to go to school as all the kids were going to mock him.

The steelers do not have a CB on their roster that can hang with Edwards, that being said he needs to get his head on straight and realize that he gets paid MILLIONS to CATCH the FOOTBALL! That being said with wimpy Stallworth hurth from a stretching exercise and prolly wont play this week again over a vag strain Edwards will be consistently double teamed. Expect a big game out of Winslow.

The Browns will have to control the clock better and to do that we will have to run the ball. Jamal Lewis is a go and does not seem to have any ill effects of the hamstring injury...Because he is a man and not a lil girly man like stallworth. I will forgive Stallworth for his prissy hangnail injury when he makes a big play and catches a TD for us.

It looks like Cribbs will play this week thankfully. He always has a field day against the Steelers, expect at least one return TD for him.

On defense we need to get a pass rush going and with rookie Alex Hall expecting more playing time this game I think the steelrs oline provides a nice team to do it against. With Sean Jones out for probably a month, I am thanking god that Pool is back. I do not want to see Nick Sorensen playing at all. That being said we need to stop Willie parker and I think we can. However I think Heath Miller will have a good game.

When all is said and done I think the Browns make it a rivalry again and embarrass the Steelers to the tune of umm lets say 33-13 on the Sunday Night Game. Dattilo will probably say the Steelers will win, but thats because he is a wuss and only listens to the national media. remember its a lot easier to go with the crowd and say the steelers will win, thus win the Browns win they can act happy, but if they make a pact with Satan or something and the Steelers win he doesn't have to hear it from everybody because he predicted the loss...wimp. He is afraid of criticism. Excuse me for rooting for my team, I did expect their pass rush to wake up and to some extent it did, or did you already turn the tv off and not see the hits on Romo, to the tune of 13 stitches in the chin??



Wizzdiddly said...

So, you predict the Browns to win the first week and they get dominated...

Then you predict the Browns to win against a team that is 7-1 against them in the last 8 games?

What is your overall season record for the Browns, 17-1?

I heart your red shoes,

0[s]E|BeZerKoManDr said...

Well they should have beat the Squallers this last time... they get it done in Pissburgh. After the byr they'll get the season turned around.