Tuesday, November 11, 2008

RE: Quinn is Awesome, the Defense Isn't (Dattilo)

Is it just me, or is Chandler the only Cleveland fan that does not "get" Cleveland sports? For those of you who were able to watch the game on the NFL Network (having games on this channel is the worst idea the NFL has come up with so far), then you all knew just as much as I did that the Browns defense was going to lose the game. Chandler doesn't seem to understand that is the script that Cleveland sports follows. And he calls himself a true fan, pppssshhht. I could go on and rant about how well Quinn did, but i am not an idiot like Chandler, and i am not going to crown him the next Otto Graham of the Browns. He looked great, but lets be honest here, it was his first game, and he was playing against a horrible defense. He def needs a lot more games under his belt, and the true test is going to be how he responds to adversity. A great QB always finds a way to win, even after having a shitty game. Lets see how Quinn reacts to a shitty day of football. Of course, if he wants to go the whole rest of his career without throwing an INT, then please by all means, go ahead Quinn we are not stopping you.

As for the defense, what can you say? Isn't this supposed to be Romeo's strength? I mean he was a D-Coordinator. Who the hell tells these guys to fall asleep after taking a big lead? All they simply had to do was make ONE, yes ONE play on third and long (numerous chances), and the Browns would have won the game. They simply did not get the job done. Along with all the third and long completions, they also dropped at least 4 chances to intercept the ball, which also would have won the game for the Browns. I just don't get it. Two weeks ago i was thinking the defense is turning it around, and they were actually the strong point of the team. Obviously i must have jinxed it, or they just got too cocky, because they simply look like shit.

With all that being said, i really do not why i wasted my time typing all that. It simply comes down to this, when talking about the Cleveland Browns (and yes i texted this to Chandler):

The Cleveland Browns are nothing but a bunch of Choke Job Losers.

And it will remain that way, until they get a real coach who can motivate a team.

Also screw you Chandler.


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