Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Where the hell has this been?!?!?!? (Dattilo)

I would like to apologize for my two week absence from this blog. I am not apologizing, because i actually have a life and school is obviously a top priority, i am apologizing for the fact you had to deal with Chandler's gibberish. In actuality though, as i always say, Chandler is an idiot. He is an idiot for 1. he called me out for being lazy, yet his last post was September 28th, before his predictable read about Derek Anderson this past Saturday. And 2. Chandler has the ability to write more for his blog, because ever since he graduated from school his life has consisted of this:
and this:

I don't even want to tell you what the censored picture is supposed to be..... The fact of the matter is i guess chandler has already forgotten what its like to be in college, and that it actually consists of work. Yet again, he was a history major.... so probably not.

As for the game, i will break it down with the cons and pros, starting with the cons.


  • The fact that chandler actually predicted the game correctly. He is now going to think he is the shit, but we all know he followed his chad Johnson strategy by guaranteeing a win every week. Didn't i warn you all in one of my earlier posts that he was going to pull this type of bullshit once the browns win a game? The funny thing is, other than the fact the browns won big, that was the only thing he got correct. Like i have been saying, Jamal Lewis is a beast, and they just needed to start running behind Joe Thomas... They did, and he started to tear it up. Harrison is better than Jamal my ass. Also, Chandler sure hit it on the dot about Braylon lolz. Try 154 yards and a TD you idiot. Speaking of Braylon did you notice he was wearing a Penn State shirt during his interview? I am pretty sure he wore a Toledo shirt during practice all week as well. I think this is his way of saying F U!!!! to Rich Rodriguez for giving away the #1 Michigan jersey to some scrub CB that doesn't even see any playing time. Hilarious.
  • Too many damn penalties. I thought you used to coach for the patriots Romeo. Weren't they known for their discipline? Where the hell was that discipline when it seemed like the browns were on the giants 30 yard line for 15 plays straight, because they kept committing false start penalties? Please work on that, before that screws us over in a game where the offense is playing like shit (which until Monday night, was every game).
  • Winslow and his enlarged testicles. Yes this is the reason why Winslow was in the hospital. Some of you all might think that is funny, but they still haven't found out whether they just enlarged for the hell of it, or if he has testicular cancer. So lets refrain from calling him a pussy, etc etc, because it could be actually something serious, and for he and his family's sake, i hope it is nothing serious.
  • Derek Anderson is still our starter. I'm still not sold on him, just because he had one good game. Remember, Tim Couch used to have one good game every 6 games.
  • Our offense is starting to get healthy and finally smarter again. They finally started running the ball behind Joe Thomas, they finally starting working their play actions, and they finally started throwing the ball down field. Where has this been the first 5 weeks is what i want to know? Its good to see baby Stallworth in there, i think with him on the field, it opened up mismatches for Braylon Edwards, and now thank god we don't have to watch Steptoe as our #2 reciever. Hopefully Jurevicious comes back soon, so Steptoe never sees the field. When the hell is Jurevicious supposed to be back anyway? They said 6 weeks, and this was week 6. WTF? Hopefully he is back next week, because i love watching his first down celebrations on third and long.
  • Jamal Lewis is back. Sometimes it takes a vet a few weeks to get those legs churning.
  • The defense looked great. Monday night was a prime example of what happens when the D-Line puts pressure on the QB...... 3 ints by a super bowl QB. Hopefully this is a sign that the D is starting to "get it," and they start jelling even more. I also like that UFO defense they used earlier in the game, i think they should use it more often.
  • Braylon only dropped one pass.....
  • I know there are many more pros than this, but i am not going to make this a Cleveland browns love fest after just reaching 2-3, however the most important pro out of this game is the fact they are starting to gain confidence again. Confidence can come a long way. Teams with confidence play better than they should play, even if they suck ass (i.e. the falcons). It seems like the browns are starting to gain confidence and that swagger back. With the team getting healthier they are just going to be even more confident. Playing at Washington on short rest is going to be tough, but if they pull it off and reach .500, we may be experiencing a complete season turn around. Here is to hoping that happens! Go Browns!

Other News

  • John Madden is a lazy piece of shit. He is going to break his streak of 462ish broadcasted games, because he does not want to travel across the country for a third consecutive week. Awwww poor baby, life is so tough isn't it? Only having to work one day a week to stand in a booth and talk about a game you love. Wow i feel so bad for you Madden. How about instead of being a pussy and driving your stupid ass bus everywhere you go, grow some balls and actually take a plane to your destination.
  • OJ Simpson is going to jail. Is this the ultimate real life make up call? Whatever it is, i am happy to see his ass go to jail. He deserves to be there for life for what he did, and i hope every cell mate makes him pick up the soap.
  • Chandler steals Dattilo's material.... Yeah i know this hasn't happened yet, but we all know he will do it again, so i am just going to go ahead and publish that as news.
