Monday, October 20, 2008

Pathetic...I think so - Chandler

Post Game Analysis Browns @ Washington Redskins:

So coming off of a terrific win against the defending Superbowl champs, NY Giants, Optimism was high for a turn around of the season. Then the game happened.... I made the trek to Washington DC to watch the game (my first Browns away game). Before I even begin to discuss the game, let me tell you about Washington's stadium...Wow what a P.O.S it is. Paint is chipping everywhere,. the score boards are from 1973, so bad.

The atmosphere though, was pretty awesome. The fans were great, and obviously loved their redskins. I wish the Browns has a song like Hail to the Redskins, as it was pretty cool to see 70+k fans sing the song in unison at the top of their lungs. I was a bit jealous at how much they got to sing it. That being said, Man were there tons of Browns fans there. I have never seen so many opposing team fans at a game other than Steelers fans at a Browns game, we travel well.

On to the game:
Does Cud have to develop two different game plans, depending on which DumbAss shows up? Honestly how can they be expected to get some consistency going which such erratic QB play? Wow, DumbAss lost that game for us, as our defense played good enough to win. Braylon Edwards, you need to be benched. At the rate that our "star playermaker"drops balls and has these mental lapses, its time to bench him for poor play. I had accounted him for 5 dropped passes this game.

Where would our run defense be without Shaun Rogers? I don't even want to imagine it. He is having a pro bowl type year.

Kellen Winslow - continue to cry about how you feelings were hurt that Savage didn't call you while you were in the hospital. Seriously bro, you are acting like a teenage girl.

RAC - seriously man suit up for D-line next time Leonard. or Corey Williams goes out, the back-ups were bad. Also seriously play Quinn. We know what DumbAss is - erratic, inconsistent and inaccurate.

As for Vince- When are you ever going to post without me posting first? You can do it, its not that hard. You don't need my approval, or to piggyback off of my comments every week. He always post right after me so that his post will be on top, and people who don't scroll down will read me ripping him a new one. You and Winslow should hang out. Also, I work 50+ hours a week, you have what...18 hours of class max? Yea gee I wonder who is the busier of the two, you really showcased your martyrdom there bro. So stop crying like about how busy ytou are, I would trade you schedules in a heartbeat.


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