Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Aroid and the theft at the Garden! (Chandler)

First off I would like to announce that there will be some changes here at the 'Staph. As you can see we did a few changes, and we did what every great sitcom does when it grows stagnant and needs new material...we added a NEW character!!! There will now be a new contributor, Beck will now also be writing here for your reading pleasures. Also no longer are we strictly Cleveland sports either, we are expanding our horizons for a wider view.

First off NBA, FUCK YOU! Enough with the conspiracy that is trying to make Kobe better than LBJ, we all know he had the trip dub in NY. But when all the sports writers say he had the better performance, you say not so fast cowboy, and remove a rebound? Thats total bs, LBJ will always have that triple double in my eyes. LBJ4MVP period, should have had it two years ago, Nash didn't deserve it the second time. Which is another thing the NBA tries to do, force these white guys as MVPs to me. Nash and Dirk? Come on man, no one since Thunder Dan has deserved the MVP that was white. If it were up to me though Larry Johnson and Shawn Kemp would win the award every year regardless, for being sweet.

I don't know why the World isn't embracing Aroid and his new squeeze madonna. This can be nothing but entertaining. Imagine them as a family all roiding together, hopefully having roided out babies that can kick through Madonna's womb Wonder Woman stlye saving the planet from pollution, solving world hunger and dependence on oil. Thats how I envision it anyways. I say Way to go Aroid, Keep it up!


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