Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Billionare Club Meeting (Dattilo)

First off i want to brush up on what Chandler said in his last blog post.

Chandler:"So I've been thinking about doing some sort of awards and Mr.negativity himself (Datillo for those of you who were confused) told me it would be too hard and boring to do every week...waaa...waaa..waaa..He is just simply "TOO BUSY" for his audience. "

- Just like Chandler to only tell 1/8 of the story. I simply said it would get old if he kept giving out fictional awards every post he had. Yes, i said every post, because he has no other ideas so he has to make up awards every time he posts. Also learn how to spell my last name. Two t's one l.

Chandler:"So I have decided to do something unorthodox and think outside of the box and start the awards near the end of the season, hell why not."

-Yeah dipshit you are really going outside the box there. I'm sure no one has ever given out fictional awards in their blog before. Not even ESPN journalists do this. *eyes rolling*

Chandler:"The Steve Heiden Award for unheralded offensive player of the game goes to...Steve Heiden! His catches in the game against the Titans were instrumental in keeping us from getting shut out."

- This is only Chandler's first week of giving out fictional awards, and he already is predictable. You already wrote an entire blog about Heiden's eyes Chandler, get over it. He sucks anyway.

Lastly this is my take on how the convo between Lerner and Savage would go:

Lerner: "So Savage I hear you actually want to hire Iowa's head coach to
become the head coach of the Cleveland Browns"

Savage: "Yes he is a great friend of mine and I think he brings the
knowledge and intensity to become successful at the next level!"

Lerner: "Uh what? Sorry, i am reading this email from the Manchester United
GM. He wants to make a trade with my soccer franchise, Aston Villa, in
England. He is offering me a trade at the goalie position. You think
i should offer Braylon as a goalie? He can't catch worth a shit
anyway. Goalies do not need to catch the ball right? All they need
to do is block"

Anyway on to real talk. The MLB winter meetings are occurring this week. I always thought this was a dumb idea. They might as well call it the MLB Billionare's Club meeting. This is where all the big market teams' (New Yorks, LA's, San Fran, etc) owners meet up, sip on some Crown Royal, discuss their farm systems (all small market MLB teams: Indians, Twins, Royals, Marlins, etc ,etc), and make fun of Bud Selig, because he is so easy to walk over and they will never have a salary cap with him as the commissioner, so they can always buy their World Series title. I mean seriously, there has been about 10 signings or trades since these meetings occurred, and i bet you can only name the moves made by big market teams. CC to the Yanks, and K-Rod to the Mets. Other noteworthy moves like the Tribe signing Kerry Wood is now third tier news, because of the winter meetings. Speaking of the mentioned moves, I really like the Kerry Wood signing for the Tribe. It is only two years, so it is definitely worth taking the risk on a damn good pitcher. I mean, come on, its a lot better than Blowoski, and our current closer, who goes by the name of, "closer by committee." As for the CC signing, I bet that deal silenced the idiots who thought CC shouldn't have been traded to begin with. Whether our "prospects" become anything out of that trade, at least we got something for him. Imagine if we didn't trade him. This is pretty much how it would play out:

1. Tribe still doesn't make the playoffs.
2. Yankees still offer 160 Mil, making CC the highest paid pitcher ever, despite the fact that the economy is not doing so well.
3. All Tribe fans are pissed, because they think CC is a traitor.
4. We get no prospects.

Yeah we definitely shouldn't have traded him..... idiots.

Before i wrap this blog entry up, i promised i would give my NFC playoff rankings. Sorry so late, however here is a short rundown:

1. Giants: You lose a game, have your top wr on the brink of living with the OZ cast, and you have to deal with the NY media...... Despite that, you still clinched the NFC East. Yeah things are going pretty well this season.

2.Panthers: They looked pretty legit Monday night vs the Bucs. They are 7-0 at home, and if they somehow jump ahead of the Giants to gain home field advantage, these guys def can make a run at the Super Bowl.

3. Vikings: Adrian Peterson, their O-Line, and that defense can take this team on a good run to the Super Bowl. However if half their D-Line ends up getting suspended, then do not expect them to do anything, and in fact place this team at #6 if that's the case.

4. Buccaneers: I placed them below the vikes, because not having home field will hurt them.

5. Cardinals: They will have a home game in the first rd of the playoffs, however I can not see them beating the panthers, or the Giants if they win that first game. In fact, they already got pounded by the Giants, at home. Congrats on the first division title though.

6. Falcons: This is a tough one. I place them here instead of the Cowboys, because their remaining schedule is a bit easier than the Cowboys. If this were a regular season power ranking, they would be ranked ahead of the cards, and vikings, however a rookie coach, and rookie qb in the playoffs is something to be wary about.

Outside looking in: Cowboys, Eagles, Bears: The Eagles get to play the Browns, but be careful the Browns are 2-0 on MNF this year. They still need to play the cowboys, which might be a deciding factor on who gets the last slot in the playoffs. If they sneak in the playoffs i would rank them fourth. As for the Cowboys, they are in the same type of position. Two tough teams left, and an easy team. We will see how they respond to that heartbreaking loss from last week. If they sneak in the playoffs i have them at #3. They could easily be this year's Giants. As for the bears, its a long shot, but they have the easiest games remaining out of all the teams mentioned above, including the falcons. If things go right, they could sneak in there, where they would lose in the first rd.


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