Thursday, December 4, 2008

Well Thank God, Savage sees Talent!! (Chandler)

Well in the most recent Press Conference Savage states that he thinks this years 4 win mark is an aberration. Meaning that it is not something the Browns fans should become accustomed to. Umm Savage you mean the only thing the Browns have done since you took over, we should no longer expect? You mean the 6 win season, followed by the 4 win season, followed by the 10 win season to the now 4 win season again is not usual for you?

This prick then goes on to say that he sees talent here and thinks we should improve. Well thank god he thinks he sees talent, its HIS talent, and HIS players that are here! Let me tell you what I see out of you Mr. Savage! I see a team full of high priced free agents without and real homegrown veterans. We only have 3 real Browns vets on our team :Dawson, Davis, and Heiden. I then see wasted/busts in the draft. You see talent do you? Well where in the hell is the talent in Frye, Oshinowo, Paul Hubbard, Luke McCowin, Antonio Perkins, god I could go on and on on how you screwed up in the draft missing out on great players who were a need at that time. Is this the same talent evaluator who took Wimbley over Ngata? THe same talent evaluator who brought in Jason Fisk and Donte Stallworth? The same one who drafts our franchise QB but doesn't allow him to play until the season is over because he screwed up our cap and couldnt afford to pay him his incentives he he played?

Yea that's right I said it, Savage couldn't afford to play players this year to their full extent because he over stretched us in the cap space. that's why we could run Jamal Lewis any more against the Colts, He was afraid that Lewis would reach 1,500 yds on the season and reach a his $3mil bonus. Then the pompous ass goes on to say that you can't listen to the fans because they are fans. News flash jerk! The fans are smarter than you! Everyone in the right mind could see Dumbass was the not the answer at QB, now perhaps this goes on RAC as well, but every report I see points towards Savage and the screwed cap space.

Lets evaluate his performance so far, he brought in high priced aging vets who basically contributed in the locker room and not on the field. He failed to stop media wild fires several times this season including the Winslow debacle, and the fan e-mail he told to fuck off. He let Dumbass run our team into the ground, wasted many valuable draft picks, overspent in FA, has had zero playoff appearances, pissed his coach, the team, fans, and the City of Cleveland off, Resigned Dumbass to a THREE year deal when only the one year restricted FA tender would have sufficed in which then a team would have to give up a 1st and a 3rd pick to get him. God Savage get off your high horse and realize what you have done. NOTHING! Except alienate your fans and players, way to go Opie!

I'm seriously so sick of talking about the Browns that I am now delegating my attention to a team worthy of it...THE Cavaliers! Unless big news or I actually have to something to new to write about the Browns other than Braylon sucks, dorsey sucks, RAC sucks, Savage sucks, the team lost, etc... I will no longer post about the Browns until after the season. And no I am still watching all the games, I just fell like I am on repeat. Hey Vince get off your ass and finish your article already I want to see you have in the NFC.

- Chandler

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