Thursday, December 18, 2008

Braylon Edwards is a real humanitarian... (Chandler)

I’m not Paul Warfield, Webster Slaughter or Jim Brown. I’ve given my all to this city for four years, and I realize it will never be enough. I went to the Pro Bowl last year and resurrected this team from the darkness, and nobody cared.”

“People in this town believe they are entitled to too much. They have been disrespectful to me and my family. I’ve gone out in public with my family and have had to deal with being called foul names. My parents have been called vulgar things at restaurants.”

“My biggest problem is that I actually give a damn. I’m always rushing back from surgeries and injuries, never missing games or practices. But through this, I’ve learned how to overcome adversity. I’m also proud of how my foundation has taken off. I’ve been doing all this community service in Cleveland … my charity efforts will only be in Detroit from now on.”

Let me just start out by saying FUCK YOU Edwards! If there is one thing to be learned here it is, DO NOT DRAFT MICHIGAN PLAYERS! They suck, Chris Weber, Call a timeout dumbass, HEY Alan Branch, Hows breaking into the Arizona Starting lineup been? Michael Hart, hell of year you had in the pros huh? I'm sure the Browns will really miss your 20 dropped passes this season Braylon, and your pedestrian 800 yds receiving when there are teams with 3 yes count them THREE players over a thousand yards receiving this year. For all the self proclaimed hype you fucking asshole. This is the classic case of the petulant child is taking his ball and going home.
He has the chance to take things and control them, but instead he continues to act like an ass.

I guess it's only fitting that someone like him goes back to a place like Detroit, I'll trade them Edwards for Calvin Johnson straight up. Teams have done it in the past without a strong running game or a tremendous star receiver, case in point the New England Patriots (before Moss). However we do not have the defense they have. Whos Tenn titans main number one receiver? I hope the browns get rid of you. He claims that his parents have been called names...I'll call bullshit on that one. Lets take a not on who here knows Braylon's parents, let alone what they look like? Oh no one...umm thought so. It is for this reason that Braylon gets the Dick Vermil Crybaby asshole of the week award, Congrats cock sucker, you earned it! God I hate when people make themselves to be more well known and important than they really are, not at all like my articles here, Phil Savage reads these religiously.

Now on to some more coaching names that I would like to throw out there:
Mike Nolan- He has some intensity, looks snappy in a suit, and the best thing he has going for him...He's not Romeo Crennel! The fact that he has a brain and a pulse is reason enough to me to consider him an upgrade over RAC attack. Hell even Dattilo fits that build, maybe he should be coach, I cant even type that with a straight face. We all know I would make a better coach and GM.

I still want Mike Singletery, Lerner, make it happen please. He is awesome and all that is a football coach. He is close to Andra Davis's equal. He is the quinesential "all that and a bag of chips" .

For the Steve Heiden Award for unheralded offensive player on Monday night football goes to....Brandon McDonald! I was more confident with our defense on the field that we would score than with our offense this game, since Quinn went down . His late touchdown put an end to the near month long drought of my beloved Browns going without one. So thank you b-mac for that and giving us REAL browns fans who stayed watching for the whole game...(Hint Dattilo turned it off before opening kickoff like the little bandwagoner he is).

On the defensive side for the Andra Davis God's gift to football award goes to...(drum roll please)- Brandon McDonald!!!! Thats right a rare two sided win for him. Thanks to him and his timely ints, he kept the game from being a 50 pt blow out and kept it to a far less embarrassing loss and gave us browns fans a little something to cheer about other than draft dayI suppose....Andra Davis came in a close second with a team leading 10 tackles, even though they were 10 yards down the field. Details, details....

Edwards Cleveland may have hurt your feelings, but now you have disrespected my famiery and I despise you deeply. Note to Browns organization no Mich player will ever be welcomed here unless their name is Aaron Shea (the leagues best TE ever) period.


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