Monday, July 20, 2009

Winslow Opens his Big Freakin' Mouth (Chandler)

Remember last year when the rumors were flying around about Kellen Winslow having a gross STD and thus couldn't play? Yea, neither do most people, yet he felt the need to clear the air, and let EVERYONE know it was staph, and that's why his testicles swelled up to the size of grapefruits. He goes on to complain about how it was the "most painful thing he had ever gone through". I'm not doubting the guy, when ever the words scalpel and testicles are in the same sentence, I cringe. Basically he gives a big middle finger to the organization and goes against their wishes to release the info about the staph infection because he is so worried about the STD rumors. Really dude? To me it shows his immaturity and that it is in fact more about Kellen than the Browns. Between this and demanding a new contact, plus apparently being an ass in the locker room, his ego doesn't allow him to understand why his teammates didn't come to his defense. Well of course not dickhead. The jerk goes on to say, ""In Cleveland, I tried to treat everyone with respect and be myself." Well Kellen, allow me to retort. I contacted several former Browns employees on why no one defended Winslow. Those conversations revealed hard feelings over Winslow treating the trainers like he was their only patient, jeopardizing his damaged knee from a 2005 motorcycle accident by playing basketball in the off-season and his lewd locker room remarks. They also said Winslow got into "an altercation with a friend last summer, which the team kept private to protect him." Winslow also alienated teammates and staffers with his demand for a new contract. Some people just don't get it do they? Speaks volumes about his "leadership" skills and how much he has matured since his locker room solider escapade. Good luck Tampa Bay, you're getting the TO of TEs on you team.

-Return of the Chandler

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