Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Well Dumbass is officially still a ratbird (Chandler)

Well I write this with mixed emotions for a few reasons. Number one my beloved Browns just lost another heart wrenching loss in which they should have won. Yet again the game was lost because of ABSOLUTELY pathetic QB play by Dumbass himself. After that freaking INT to suggs for the back breaker I am now convinced that Dumbass is a spy sent in by Model to continue to ruin the franchise and keep the browns down. I no longer think he is a bad qb, he is actually a very good one only playing a terrible qb just to keep the browns losing and thus making the ol' son of a bitch model happy and sticking it to Cleveland fans. Watch, when we let dumbass go in the offseason he will be signed by the ratbirds and lead them to sb after sb. I'm freaking telling ya man I think the move to put dumbass on their practice squad was a calculated move by model to continue to screw Cleveland.

That being said I am writing this with a bit of good news as now the savior of the Browns in going to start this Thursday...QUINN!!! However only the browns could screw this up as they waited until the season was all but lost to start him and missed the playoffs yet again. They decide to start him on a short week with basically only one practice, but it is against the Broncos who have a terrible defense and its more work to prepare than if say by some act of god dumbass actually got hurt. No, god is not that kind to Browns fan to make the move so easy.

With that out of the way lets recap the game shall we...

Umm...WAY TO GO Dumbass for being the only qb capable of throwing a pick 6 on a FUCKING SCREEN pass! Well maybe Trent dilfer(more on that later). Once again bad qb play cost us a game, sure one can play the dropped pass on BE, but he is from Michigan and that is too be expected. Sure the running game never got going, but its not hard to see why, when the qb cant throw a catchable ball and thus they can stack the box with 11 players. If Dumbass was capable of throwing an accurate pass they wouldn't be able to do that.

You could blame the defense, yes a 60 yd run is inexcusable and should never happen, but they were on the field for the entire game because dumbass couldn't get a first down. Thus they were tired, in the first half they played admirably. Did I also mention that Dumbass was the reason for no jobs in Cleveland? and the cause of Global Warming for pissing off all these great Browns fans and causing them to sweat thus raising their blood pressure which leads to higher body temperature which leads to warmer temperatures. THANK GOD for Quinn.

Now on to my most hated player of all time: Trent Dilfer

"Public opinion has made this decision for the Browns," said Dilfer, who was Cleveland's starter in 2005 before he lost his job to Charlie Frye. "I have spoken to coaches who have said, 'This is not Derek Anderson's fault.' In fact, at times he's played better than his statistics have showed. This is a function of the defense not getting off the football field; Braylon Edwards, a superstar receiver who's supposed to make all the plays to make you better, having 14 drops at least. It's about their playmakers, Kellen Winslow, not being there, not being dependable. It's about people not being at their best and Derek Anderson burdening the responsibility for this.
Bad, Bad Cleveland Brown
Derek Anderson has been benched after struggling mightily this season. He led the Browns to a 10-6 record in 2007.
Lowest Passer Rating in 2008Minimum 200 Attempts
Passer Rating
"This is an organization that I played for for a year and I saw very closely that the organization itself is highly dysfuctional and cannot make decisions that are good for the long-term growth of the organization."

HEY TRENT! WAKE UP CALL!!!!! You SUCKED. YOU SUCKED THEN AND YOU SUCK NOW! Thats why you were benched, Frye may have been bad, you were worse! You avged 4 count them F O U R turnovers a game by yourself why you were here. 2 ints and 2 fumbles a game. You are a bitter cock sucker. The reason Dumbass is being benched is because he is the worst QB in the league and would have benched anywhere else as well. I guess it would seem like a "knee jerk reaction" if you thought 4 turnovers a game was acceptable. Yea Dumbass is bad, but he is no where as bad as you were. You hade one good game against the packers, yes we all remember that but that was in spite of you, not because of you. The packers dropped 3 ints you threw and our offense made some amazing catches that they shouldnt have, plus Heiden rambled off a huge 50+ yd catch for a td to seal the game. That was not you, it was great play by heiden. WE won that game in spite of you, just like the ratbirds won the superbowl that year in spite of you, not because of you. Seriously shut up dilfer (I didnt capitalze his name on purpose there, it oesnt deserve the respect) no one cares what a washed up terrible qb thinks you couldnt keep/win a starting qb job against Charlie Frye.

At least we can look forward to watching the golden boy lead the Browns to a victory this Thursday!


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