Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Who would have thunk it? (Chandler)

Well the browns won one! Umm lets seem here, Harrison gets the ball a bit more, chains more....umm play him more please. Thank you Trent Edwards for winning the game for Cleveland. How do you get 4 take aways, not give one up yourself and barely squeak by? Pathetic! That's all I am going to say about the game. Done. Finished.

Now on to Coaches...

Dennis Green's name needs to be mentioned...

He's got some fire and intensity and a proven record. That being said I am hoping for Marty myself.

Brian Billick...

also should be mentioned as a name out there, although I think he is too much of a pompous ass to do well. Brian Billick = Big Jerk, but maybe that's what we need.

Also I'm looking towards the draft, some players I want you guys to keep an eye on...


Rey Maualuga - Has the speed, instincts, and size to play inside lber for the browns, reminds me of that one safety that plays for the steelers....

James Laurinaitis -
Plays at THE Ohio State, probably win the award for best lber in football two years in a row, he is awesome, nuff' said. Look at that pic and tell me the Browns don't need a player like him.
Defensive Line
Terrence Cody - He's 6'5" and 385 lbs. He would fit right in next to Shaun Rogers. He is a freaking beast. Our Dline is better than last year, but they were constantly pushed back last night, no pressure. Build the Defense from up front and move back.
There that's my draft pick for the first round. If its not one of those three mentioned than I will be upset plain and simple. Playoffs are all but erased from hopes for this season. Yet again its lets wait for next year....

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Future Coach (Dattilo)

Let's not waste our time writing a whole blog predicting this week's MNF game. I can tell you how the game is going to go. The Browns will do well for the first 3 quarters, then choke. Either the defense/offense will show up and the other will look like shit. The defense truly is a joke, however I feel like they are due against a struggling Bills team, and Brady Quinn is probably due for his first horrible game. Might as well get it out of the way right? Speaking of defense, i think its time to quit this 3-4 bullshit. It obviously has not worked for the past four years now. I can't believe i am saying this, but the D-Line is times better than the linebackers. Willie McGinest is old and a joke now. He should not see the field. Andra Davis only makes tackles after they give up at least five yards.

Anyway, I am done ranting about this clowns. Lets move on to the future. Who is going to be our new coach next year? I developed a simple formula the Browns should follow while searching for a new coach. Here it is.

1. Do not hire a college coach: This obviously does not work as we know with Butch Davis. Although props to him for getting the Browns to their only playoff appearance. Anyway college coaches are just simply out of touch with NFL. They can not own the lives of young men like they can do at the college level. Look at Pete Carrol, Spurrier, Saban, and yes even Butch Davis. All great college coaches, hell some of the guys i listed are considered gods at the schools they coach at. All of these gentlemen, along with many more college coaches who gave the NFL a try, have failed miserably. So please do not try to push for Jim Tressel as our next coach. I hate OSU, but i am willing to admit he is a great college coach. He would not survive in the NFL though.

2. Do not hire a hot shot coordinator: It is hit or miss when you try this, and obviously the Browns have missed with Romeo. Romeo is clearly a better coordinator than head coach. Coordinators do not need to motivate their players. All they need to do is be smart about the game, and Romeo definitely is, but he couldn't fire up a bunch of seven year olds after they went on a sugar rush. Dick Lebuea is/was a great D-Coordinator and he was a shitty coach for the Bengals. Ken Cameron was just the same. Look i realize every coach has to start somewhere, however since it is hit or miss, the Browns can not afford that anymore. Everyone is getting sick of losing, and i am willing to bet Cleveland is going to continue to be one of the poorest cities in the US until the Browns win a Super Bowl. This is just not to save the self-esteem of the city, but also the economy!

3. Hire a proven coach!: The first two approaches did not work for the Browns, so here is the only choice. You can not go wrong here, you are hiring a guy who has proven he can win, and knows how to find ways to win.

With my formula i have created a list of guys i would not mind seeing as the next Browns coach. (list is in no particular order)

  • Marty Schottenheimer: Some might think he is still bitter after he left Cleveland, but he is clearly over it, because i remember him saying at a press conference he would love to come back to Cleveland. This guy is definitely a winner, he has taken all his teams, except for the redskins (because Dan Snyder only gave him one year) to the playoffs. I know some of you might say, "well he plays Marty ball in the playoffs, and can't win the big game." First of all, you can't blame the guy for Earnest Byner fumbling the damn ball on the one yard line or a Browns defense falling asleep and allowing dumbass Elway march down the field. If that did not happen we would be talking about Marty being a Hall of Fame coach, instead of talking about how he can't win the big game. Second of all, we do not even have room to bitch about how he coaches in the playoffs, because we have only seen the playoffs once since 1994! So, lets get there first, before we bitch about it. Besides, wouldn't it be a perfect script for Marty to come back to Cleveland and finally winning the big game, and finally bringing a title to the city of Cleveland. I just feel like this is fate!
  • Bill Cowher: Before anyone says he is the enemy, lets not forget the guys roots. He played for Cleveland, and his also started his coaching career as a coordinator (under Marty) in Cleveland. We already know he knows how to win, and not only that, but the guy bought a house in Strongsville (or was it Solon). The guy is only 51 years old, so we all know he still has that big itch to coach, especially after taking a two year break. The only thing the Browns have going against him is that Jerry Jones is probably going to offer him including the kitchen sink, after the Cowboys choke again once this year.

  • Dick Vermeil: I do not know his position on whether he wants to come back and coach or not, but this guys is a winner. He has been to two super bowls, and a winner of one of them. He is an offensive minded guy, so he would fit in right away with the type of players the Browns already have. Give this guy a good D-Coordinator, and the Browns will soar to the playoffs. Also, wouldn't it be hilarious to see him cry after Browns loss, or win. He definitely is the biggest cry baby in sports other than Roy Williams, but at least we would see a coach with some kind of passion for the first time since this team has come back.

That's it, Go Browns, beat Buffalo!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

And who said RAC can't/doesn't know how to make an adjustment?? (Chandler)

Here I quote RAC attack himself, "Crennel said he might move Kamerion Wimbley around some to free him up, but might not have the practice time to make it effective. "Whether we do it or not, we're not sure," he said.

WOW!!!! Way to go RAC!!! What a great defensive minded coach he is!! Is it just me, or has it taken RAC a season and a half to realize that what he's been doing every week isn't working. This is a move that non-professionals have been screaming about for almost two years! Why hasn't he been moved around like a Ware or a Meriman? All Wimbley has shown to be good for thus far is run fast in hopes of beating a single blocker to the corner to rush the QB, with that limited skill set we need to move him around so he isn't just sitting there like a DE all day and the O-line has to account for him. Moving him around a bit makes him more dangerous and the ability to be versatile really helps. The 3-4 defense is designed to confuse the offense so they dont know where the blitz is coming from, thus movement achieves this!! WOW what a Freakin' concept! RAC you are a defensive genius!


RE: Quinn is Awesome, the Defense Isn't (Dattilo)

Is it just me, or is Chandler the only Cleveland fan that does not "get" Cleveland sports? For those of you who were able to watch the game on the NFL Network (having games on this channel is the worst idea the NFL has come up with so far), then you all knew just as much as I did that the Browns defense was going to lose the game. Chandler doesn't seem to understand that is the script that Cleveland sports follows. And he calls himself a true fan, pppssshhht. I could go on and rant about how well Quinn did, but i am not an idiot like Chandler, and i am not going to crown him the next Otto Graham of the Browns. He looked great, but lets be honest here, it was his first game, and he was playing against a horrible defense. He def needs a lot more games under his belt, and the true test is going to be how he responds to adversity. A great QB always finds a way to win, even after having a shitty game. Lets see how Quinn reacts to a shitty day of football. Of course, if he wants to go the whole rest of his career without throwing an INT, then please by all means, go ahead Quinn we are not stopping you.

As for the defense, what can you say? Isn't this supposed to be Romeo's strength? I mean he was a D-Coordinator. Who the hell tells these guys to fall asleep after taking a big lead? All they simply had to do was make ONE, yes ONE play on third and long (numerous chances), and the Browns would have won the game. They simply did not get the job done. Along with all the third and long completions, they also dropped at least 4 chances to intercept the ball, which also would have won the game for the Browns. I just don't get it. Two weeks ago i was thinking the defense is turning it around, and they were actually the strong point of the team. Obviously i must have jinxed it, or they just got too cocky, because they simply look like shit.

With all that being said, i really do not why i wasted my time typing all that. It simply comes down to this, when talking about the Cleveland Browns (and yes i texted this to Chandler):

The Cleveland Browns are nothing but a bunch of Choke Job Losers.

And it will remain that way, until they get a real coach who can motivate a team.

Also screw you Chandler.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Quinn is awesome, the defense isn't (Chandler)

Well way to go team for blowing 17 point leads in the second half for two straight games. This defense reminds me of the prevent defense that Botch Davis was always so fond of. Quinn looked stellar, far superior to Dumbass. I dont know what else to say except Vince is a whiner who constantly sent me texts throughout the game crying the blues for being a Cleveland fan, saying we were going to lose the game and thanks to his negativity..we did. I blame the loss on him. Please leave comments telling him, you appreciate him making us loose.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Well Dumbass is officially still a ratbird (Chandler)

Well I write this with mixed emotions for a few reasons. Number one my beloved Browns just lost another heart wrenching loss in which they should have won. Yet again the game was lost because of ABSOLUTELY pathetic QB play by Dumbass himself. After that freaking INT to suggs for the back breaker I am now convinced that Dumbass is a spy sent in by Model to continue to ruin the franchise and keep the browns down. I no longer think he is a bad qb, he is actually a very good one only playing a terrible qb just to keep the browns losing and thus making the ol' son of a bitch model happy and sticking it to Cleveland fans. Watch, when we let dumbass go in the offseason he will be signed by the ratbirds and lead them to sb after sb. I'm freaking telling ya man I think the move to put dumbass on their practice squad was a calculated move by model to continue to screw Cleveland.

That being said I am writing this with a bit of good news as now the savior of the Browns in going to start this Thursday...QUINN!!! However only the browns could screw this up as they waited until the season was all but lost to start him and missed the playoffs yet again. They decide to start him on a short week with basically only one practice, but it is against the Broncos who have a terrible defense and its more work to prepare than if say by some act of god dumbass actually got hurt. No, god is not that kind to Browns fan to make the move so easy.

With that out of the way lets recap the game shall we...

Umm...WAY TO GO Dumbass for being the only qb capable of throwing a pick 6 on a FUCKING SCREEN pass! Well maybe Trent dilfer(more on that later). Once again bad qb play cost us a game, sure one can play the dropped pass on BE, but he is from Michigan and that is too be expected. Sure the running game never got going, but its not hard to see why, when the qb cant throw a catchable ball and thus they can stack the box with 11 players. If Dumbass was capable of throwing an accurate pass they wouldn't be able to do that.

You could blame the defense, yes a 60 yd run is inexcusable and should never happen, but they were on the field for the entire game because dumbass couldn't get a first down. Thus they were tired, in the first half they played admirably. Did I also mention that Dumbass was the reason for no jobs in Cleveland? and the cause of Global Warming for pissing off all these great Browns fans and causing them to sweat thus raising their blood pressure which leads to higher body temperature which leads to warmer temperatures. THANK GOD for Quinn.

Now on to my most hated player of all time: Trent Dilfer

"Public opinion has made this decision for the Browns," said Dilfer, who was Cleveland's starter in 2005 before he lost his job to Charlie Frye. "I have spoken to coaches who have said, 'This is not Derek Anderson's fault.' In fact, at times he's played better than his statistics have showed. This is a function of the defense not getting off the football field; Braylon Edwards, a superstar receiver who's supposed to make all the plays to make you better, having 14 drops at least. It's about their playmakers, Kellen Winslow, not being there, not being dependable. It's about people not being at their best and Derek Anderson burdening the responsibility for this.
Bad, Bad Cleveland Brown
Derek Anderson has been benched after struggling mightily this season. He led the Browns to a 10-6 record in 2007.
Lowest Passer Rating in 2008Minimum 200 Attempts
Passer Rating
"This is an organization that I played for for a year and I saw very closely that the organization itself is highly dysfuctional and cannot make decisions that are good for the long-term growth of the organization."

HEY TRENT! WAKE UP CALL!!!!! You SUCKED. YOU SUCKED THEN AND YOU SUCK NOW! Thats why you were benched, Frye may have been bad, you were worse! You avged 4 count them F O U R turnovers a game by yourself why you were here. 2 ints and 2 fumbles a game. You are a bitter cock sucker. The reason Dumbass is being benched is because he is the worst QB in the league and would have benched anywhere else as well. I guess it would seem like a "knee jerk reaction" if you thought 4 turnovers a game was acceptable. Yea Dumbass is bad, but he is no where as bad as you were. You hade one good game against the packers, yes we all remember that but that was in spite of you, not because of you. The packers dropped 3 ints you threw and our offense made some amazing catches that they shouldnt have, plus Heiden rambled off a huge 50+ yd catch for a td to seal the game. That was not you, it was great play by heiden. WE won that game in spite of you, just like the ratbirds won the superbowl that year in spite of you, not because of you. Seriously shut up dilfer (I didnt capitalze his name on purpose there, it oesnt deserve the respect) no one cares what a washed up terrible qb thinks you couldnt keep/win a starting qb job against Charlie Frye.

At least we can look forward to watching the golden boy lead the Browns to a victory this Thursday!


Monday, November 3, 2008

I hate you (Dattilo)

Being a Browns fan is like having a bad girlfriend...She's good looking enough and nice most of the time. You love her, but you're not real sure why. You know you are going to get your heart broken if you go back, but you just keep coming back for more. She is nice to you for a while, then...WHAM! You get kicked in the junk and get your heart broken again and you SWEAR you will never go back...but you just...keep...coming...back.

I mean where the hell do you start from? Out of all the games this year, that was probably the most frustrating game of all, even more frustrating than the Redskins game. Romeo, Braylon, Tim Couch 2.0, and The Browns defense..... I really hate you guys right now, really really hate. Sunday(Thursday for next week) is my least favorite day because of you guys. Depending on how you guys do, Sundays are usually a good day, or ruined because of you guys. Although, with you guys its a 70% chance my Sunday is going to be ruined. You guys are killing us Cleveland fans. Sundays are already shitty. People are waking up from their Saturday night hangovers, then they have to deal with the fact they have work to do before school or work starts back up on Monday, and you guys do not make it any better by losing every damn time. You not only lose, but you lose in ridiculous fashion where i normally end up punching a hole in a wall. It would just be much better if you all got your ass kicked to start with, then at least i wouldn't have second thoughts about the game, because you all simply got your ass kicked.

The sad thing is, when we were up 14 i had a feeling we still were going to lose the game. Thus the life of a Cleveland fan. I don't understand how the hell our defense can make a trio like Flacco, Clayton, and Mason, seem like Peyton Manning, Marvin Harrison, and Reggie Wayne in their prime. This year at WR we have so far seen; Matt Jones, Terrell Owens, Plaxico Burress, Santana Moss, Chad Johnson/Housmadzadeh(don't care about the spelling), and Hines Ward. All those star players, yet Mason and Clayton give the Browns defense the biggest fits, with Flacco under the center. Unacceptable. I could also list the running backs they have seen so far this season, but i just want to point out that Ray Rice a 2nd string rookie RB torched the Browns for over 154 yards. This guy couldn't even lead Rutgers to a Big East title, and yet he is running all over the browns in an NFL game. Also Braylon, screw you. 14 dropped passes.... seriously? The NFL is definitely being generous on that stat too. I'm sure your ass has dropped more than 14 passes. No wonder why we don't go down field anymore. I would be fine with Romeo benching your ass. Seriously, there is no way you are going to learn your lesson. We can't score with you on the field, because you don't catch the, so what is the difference between having you off the field.

I'm done talking about the game, it just makes me sick. The worst part about this is we got swept by the ravens. Shouldn't karma be on our side vs the ravens. There was an article in the Cleveland plain dealer, that said coach harbaugh dedicated the win to Art Modell. Harbaugh is officially the biggest piece of shit coach in the NFL. You heartless SOB, how could you dedicate a win over the browns to Modell? Only one year in the NFL, and you are already working your way up my most hated coaches list. Speaking of Modell, he was part of the first list of guys who were nominated for the HOF. Hopefully he isn't a finalist, but if he eventually becomes a HOF then i propose every Cleveland fan attend his acceptance speech, and boo the hell out of him until he cries.
