Monday, October 13, 2008

Wow Vince is LAZY!!! - Chandler

Since Vince (see picture) couldn't seem to find the time in TWO WEEKS! to write a pre-game analysis, I will.

Monday Night Football!!!!!
Browns V. Giants, whose ready?!?!?!

While I do not think the Giants have had that hard or a test yet, and thus are perhaps a bit overhyped, I do think they are better than the Browns. Their D-Line can stop the run and get pressure, something the Browns can not do consistently. Maybe if RAC were to discover maybe disguising a blitz here and there, moving a player around...say I don't Know...WIMBLEY!!!!! we might be able to get a sack once and a while. Jones, and Shaun Smith being out really hurt although I do like Mike Adams and think he is a great back-up. This probably means the start of Louis Leonard which as yet to be seen if its a good move or not. Considering the Browns are already weak at the D-line position it will take some inspired play to do well against the Giants strong running attack. Hey RAC, how about some movement on defense, maybe an in-game adjustment or two, wait what that? More vanilla base defense and strong veteran presence when when the back up is clearly better? Ok that makes sense. Does knowing that I need Eli and Plaxico to have a bad game so I can win this week in fantasy do anything for you as far as motivation? Worth a shot...

On offense we are lacking our only offensive play marker in Winslow, except for Harrison of course, due to an undisclosed injury....Does not spell success there. Is Lewis being benched? No, oh. Is DumbAss being benched for franchise savior and fan favorite Quinn? Or he isn't either despite PATHETIC play? no, well makes sense..... Oh but we do have the return oh big CRY baby, stretch the field Stallworth!!!

Excuse me if I am not overly joyed by this return. He does nothing to excite me. Although we do get to see Heiden, a man suffering from Steve Heiden disease. For those of you who do not know, since birth he has had this terrible disease in which his eyes are too close together....Yes tragic I know, but he serves as an inspirational story for us all as he has led a productive life and even managed to make it to the pros! You you can achieve too, Heiden is a true heroic story.

Lewis continues to run the ball without power and fury we are accustomed to seeing. He still should be bench for production on the field. But RAC loves vets and is afraid to hurt anyone's feelings... Sounds like a certain Dattilo I know...

Braylon Edwards...WOW, will he decide to play tonight? Who knows, michigan players play whent they want to and outside of Glen Rice and Arron Shea nothing good as ever come from that school.

Prediction Time:
That being said, all this negativity I believe in Cleveland Fans, even if not the coaches or the players. These fans have been tailgating since 4AM, YEs thats right 4 AM this morning and I believe they will really fire this team up and help defeat the Giants for an UPSET Special!!!!! Yes thats right I am taking the Browns in the face of all logic. I believe in Cleveland FANS!!! I think Andra Davis will have a scak, rogers have a sack and Wimbley to have a sack/Forced fumbled recoverd and returned for a td. Look out for Easy-E and Mcdonald to have monser games. DA will hopefully be injured, not seriously but enough to let Quinn in and NEVER LOOK BACK!!! Under Quinn they manage 30 pts and giev the giants only 7. Browns win big on Monday night.

Now for Dattilo's prediction: Browns get killed 44 to nothing on MNF and he stops watching in the second qt to study for his angry italian test. Althoguh I did like his analysis on the Indians, that was spot on.

GO BROWNS!!! -Chandler

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