Thursday, September 25, 2008

Its the 2008 CLEVELAND BROWNS!!!!! WOOOO!!!!! - Chandler

So what if we lost all of our preseason games? Who Cares, Its the PREseason!!! So what if we looked terrible against the Giants on Monday Night Football, it's the PREseason. Wait til the regular season BABY!!! We WON 10 GAMES LAST YEAR!!!! YEAH!!!!!! WOOO!!!!!!!!

-Fast forward to Opening game-
So what if we looked terrible against the Cowboys, that's probably the best team in football, who cares wait til next week. It doesn't matter that it was at home, we have a few injuries and they have to work the chemistry back in swing man!

-Week 2-
So what if we lost the Steelers, they're one of the best teams in football. Braylon missed 3 weeks he'll get back on track next week!! Browns will be fine and go in and beat a terrible Baltimore squad with a rookie QB. We won 10 GAMES last year, Browns in the PLAYOFFS!!!WOOOO!!!!! YEAHH!!!

-Week 3-
We gotta fire RAC, and Bench DA its all over and time for next year. This season is over.

Morale of the Story- PRESEASON matters. A switch does not turn on once the regular season starts and you have to play well in the preseason. The fans are too quick to announce a superbowl title and too quick to jump off the bandwagon and think everything is doom and gloom.

I for one and tired of excuses as to why we played bad against some of the best teams in the league, you HAVE to Beat the BEST to be the BEST.

Week 3 analysis- EARTH TO RAC, its called an adjustment, once again learn how to use it and after the second free 7 pts DA gives up, its time to bench him for poor play. Man up and make a decision. Braylon Edwards, Catch the BALL! Chud run the ball. Three simple steps would have prevented us from losing that game and the dreaded 0-3 start. ?Very simple and I am done explaining the poor coaching. It might be time to bench RAC for poor performance. I don't know what else to say, it was pathetic to watch and our team is better than this and our fans deserve better than this. My optimism is at an all time low going into the Bengals game. I am not in favor of starting DA, I want the future and savior of the season Quinn to start and throw an accurate pass to our WRs and TE. DA has not shown that he can do that regularly. Our coaching staff has not done their job to scheme well and make sounds adjustments. I am not sure on firing of RAC, I think you have to let him finish the season. If we finish 4-12 than its time for him to go and I want a proven coach in here like a Marty or a Cower. Wow embarrassing loss. Should have won that and we should be 2-1, I blame the coaching for not benching a bad QB and DA for throwing drive killing INTs and a certain Mich WR who cant perform the rudimentary function of his job/position.


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