Monday, July 27, 2009

Cleveland Brown's Top 10 Prospects, or another article in futility (Chandler)

So this writer for is compiling a list of each organization's top ten prospects. He set an arbitrary criteria as 25 years old or younger, and entering his 3rd year in the league or less. His list I have an issue with, and to me only does the fans lip service with out much substance or thought brought forth. You can view his list and analysis here,

For those who dont want to waste their time, I have brought the list to you:
1. Joe Thomas
2. Brady Quinn
3. Alex Mack
4. Eric Wright
5. Brandon McDonald
6. David Veikune
7. Brian Robiskie
8. Ahtyba Rubin
9. James Davis
10. Beau Bell

I have a huge issue with him saying that Joe Thomas is a "prospect". He is a TWO yes 2 time pro bowler, and thus what else can he do to get better? He is already established as if not THE best tackle in the game, certainly in the running. When one looks up the definition of the word prospect you'll find, "–noun an apparent probability of advancement, success, profit, likely to succeed (Credit here goes to Beck for his dictionary skills). Joe Thomas has already advanced and is already successful, and thus I find his analysis lazy and inaccurate. Another issue I have with the rankings is that you list David Veikune and not Alex Hall. How can you list Veikune and not the guy that will start ahead of him? Veikune will be lucky to see 20% of snaps this season, while Hall will start opposite of Wimbley.

Bell will not make the team, he was not a Mangini pick and word is that he has not adapted to the 3-4 very well. James Davis?! Really? A guy that will be third on the depth chart? Davis will be lucky to get 40 carries this year. And finally Rubin, who also barely saw the field last year and with a healthy defenisve line this year is preped to see even less snaps.

So here is what your top 10 prospects should have been for the browns this year:

1. Quinn
2. Eazy E (Eric Wright for those scoring at home)
3. Alex Mack
4. Alex Hall
5. Robo
6. B-Mac
7. Martin Rucker (He was practicing with the first unit duing OTAs)
8. Massa
9. Veikune
10. Louis Leonard (Least he saw the field last year, unlike Rubin)

Quinn for obvious reasons because he is the key to our offensive's success. If he falls on his face, than so do the browns. The most crucial and key component to the Browns season. Eazy - E because historically a Rob Ryan plays a lot of man coverage, and if Wright isn't up to the task, than the defense will be on the field a lot this year. He is critical to help slow the offensive's passing. Alex Mack because I'm sure you saw what Frarely did last year. He did not play well and consistently gave up pressure to the opposing defensives. They were able to push him around, and he lacks the strength to get a good push for running plays. As they say, it all starts in the middle and he was a weak link last year.

Now Alex Hall comes in fourth here because as a rookie he provided some sparks and something to cheer for early on. Typical of the RAC regime and refusal to play rookies or younger players even when my Grandma can tell that the old vets need to be put on the bench. He played a decent amount early on, but once Willie McGinest came back he was banished to the bench for god knows why. Our pass rush was far superior with Hall on the field. I expect 8 sacks from this kid during the season. Robo comes in next because he is also crucial to our offensive this year which last seasons still keeps me up at night. Did you see Stallworth/Carter/Steptoe over the past two seasons? Yea we need more than one wide receiver to be any good and hope to score 10 points a game. As a rookie, a lot of pressure will be on him to perform, and I believe the kid is up to the task.

B-Mac comes up next because he led the team in picks last year and will require even more this year for improvement on the defensive side of the ball. He performed well last year despite the Broncos game (Which is overly pointed out btw. He had one awful play, which everyone remembers but overall had a decent game considering that he was on the field for 43 minutes. He may have cost us the game, but the rest of his season last year I thought he was very solid considering the circumstances). He will be called upon to cover the #2's in the league and will be tested more throughout the season than Eazy-E. Without much safety help. he needs to play well.

There ends the section of young starters for the Browns. The rest of the list are players who wont start but will still be called for to make plays, and will actually SEE the field this season. Veikune will be a situational player, mostly on passing downs and I believe will be second on the team in special team tackles. With the new rules not allowing a wedge on kickoffs I see him wrecking havoc and making plays. However he will also be busy this season carrying Hall's helmet and getting him water to really see the field much. Massaquoi comes in next because I think he will be our 4th WR and probably step up to the 3rd slot as Furrey gets hurt. He will also see some time at special teams but I don't expect him to be a difference maker there. He will be more critical in the coming seasons, don't expect a huge year this season from the rookie. Martin Rucker comes in next, and one could argue that he should be above Massaquoi because he will see the field more this season. He will be our passing TE, not asked to block much. I think he should pull in 25 to 30 catches this year and perhaps at least a TD or two. Depending on Heiden's health this season of course. Lastly I listed Louis Leonard because he saw the field last season, and made some plays. I see him spelling the starters and getting into the DE rotation. He's a solid back up, and has some ability.

SO theres the REAL top 10 prospect list for the Browns.

- C to the Handler

Monday, July 20, 2009

Winslow Opens his Big Freakin' Mouth (Chandler)

Remember last year when the rumors were flying around about Kellen Winslow having a gross STD and thus couldn't play? Yea, neither do most people, yet he felt the need to clear the air, and let EVERYONE know it was staph, and that's why his testicles swelled up to the size of grapefruits. He goes on to complain about how it was the "most painful thing he had ever gone through". I'm not doubting the guy, when ever the words scalpel and testicles are in the same sentence, I cringe. Basically he gives a big middle finger to the organization and goes against their wishes to release the info about the staph infection because he is so worried about the STD rumors. Really dude? To me it shows his immaturity and that it is in fact more about Kellen than the Browns. Between this and demanding a new contact, plus apparently being an ass in the locker room, his ego doesn't allow him to understand why his teammates didn't come to his defense. Well of course not dickhead. The jerk goes on to say, ""In Cleveland, I tried to treat everyone with respect and be myself." Well Kellen, allow me to retort. I contacted several former Browns employees on why no one defended Winslow. Those conversations revealed hard feelings over Winslow treating the trainers like he was their only patient, jeopardizing his damaged knee from a 2005 motorcycle accident by playing basketball in the off-season and his lewd locker room remarks. They also said Winslow got into "an altercation with a friend last summer, which the team kept private to protect him." Winslow also alienated teammates and staffers with his demand for a new contract. Some people just don't get it do they? Speaks volumes about his "leadership" skills and how much he has matured since his locker room solider escapade. Good luck Tampa Bay, you're getting the TO of TEs on you team.

-Return of the Chandler